It’s Been A Long Time

Wednesday, December 18th 2019.


I haven’t posted anything since August 2019 Update, so it might look like I’ve disappeared, but I’m still here.  I’m still in the fight, but life has been crazy.

Over the last few months, my wife has continued to recover from her injuries.  She’s getting better, but still has a long way to go.  A broken knee doesn’t heal overnight.  Also, the narcissistic sperm donor’s health has continued to spiral downhill.  He’s currently in hospice with a prognosis of weeks.  On top of that, we’ve been fighting the flu/bronchitis/pneumonia since Thanksgiving.

If we weren’t crazy enough with all of that, we’re looking at building a house.  Something one notices real quick when recovering from knee surgery is how much steps suck.  After some back and forth about buying a new house or building, we decided to build.  If anyone reading this ever thinks “hey, that’s a good idea”, run full speed into a wall until the idea disappears in a concussive haze.

I won’t be returning with Daily Check-In posts for a while, but I’m back today for a special reason.  Today, the House of Representatives vote on two Articles of Impeachment against Donald Trump.  Yeah, a lot has happened in the last few months, and I’m waaayyyy behind, but here’s the short, short version: back in the summer, Trump extorted the new Ukrainian President into announcing that they were investigating Joe Biden’s son and withheld approved military aid until he did so.  After several weeks, the news of what happened leaked, and that led to an Impeachment inquiry where Trump’s White House obstructed Congress by preventing several witnesses from testifying, withholding documents, classifying transcripts, and going out of his way to attack Congress.  There’s probably a hundred crimes that they could have finalized, but the Judiciary Committee recommended two Articles.  Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress.  You can read the full articles here.

I hope to have another post later today going over the basics of the Ukraine Extortion.  I also need to catch up on most of what happened in the last few months.  People are in jail, out of jail, back in jail, dead, disappeared, turned into newts, and deported.  It’ll be a while before I’m back to daily posting, and the delay gives me time to look into what and how to cover.  Also, my writing is rusty.


Hope to be back later.


Thank you, and have a good one.